Panasonic’s Varicam LT is a great all around camera, supporting many control modes – ethernet by default and optionally wifi with an additional dongle (Panasonic PN: AJ-WM50P). Unfortunately these dongles at the time of writing retail for $160. This is a bit steep for what is effectivly a rebadged USB AC600 dongle.
Which dongle you ask? Well, I’m not sure the exact rebadged one is still manufactured. But one under the same manufacture part number (but different FCC ID) is available here:
You’re looking for an Edimax EW-7811UTC (AC600)
How do I know? The FCC filings say so..
It uses a Realtek RTL8811AU as the chipset, so theoretically most devices based on this chip will likely work.
Also, this gem from the FCC documenting the Panasonic filed for their own ID for the rebadged product and affirming that in their own words is “The equipment is electrically and functionally identical”. To the Edixam Technology Co. NDD9578111305… aka Edimax EW-7811UTC.
Ahem… See page page 5. This affirms the model number.
Further affirmation by Edimax of this: